I have been developing a CMS for students at the Flatiron School. Some gems I used for the first time include Sidekiq, Amazon S3, Carrierwave and Fog. This blog post is a walkthrough of how to implement these gems in your own Rails app. Furthermore, h/t to Ryan Bates of Railscasts for the invaluable information in his videos. This blog post will be broken down into different parts, implementing Carrierwave is the objective of this post.
The first step is to initiate the Carrierwave Gem in order to upload pictures to the app. So, the typical steps:
Add 'carrierwave' to your Gemfile
<div class='bogus-wrapper'><notextile><figure class='code'><div class="highlight"><table><tr><td class="gutter"><pre class="line-numbers"><span class='line-number'>1</span>
$ rails g uploader avatar