graphql with elm part 2

In this post we will discuss how to turn nested JSON into Elm data types. This post uses a thin Elm.Http wrapper. Using this library helps us concentrate on contructing the necessary Decoders. We will also contruct a more complex query in order to explain how to contruct complex data types. The following query returns JSON for the first two team members of FracturedAtlas.

query : String
query =
    query {
      organization(login: "FracturedAtlas") {
          members(first:2) {
            edges {
              node {

Swapping out our query will return the following JSON.

{"data":{"organization":{"team":{"members":{"edges":[{"node":{"id":"<user id>","login":"<user name>"}},{"node":{"id":"<another user id>","login":"<user name>"}}]}}}}}

The following part took me a long time to grok. The issues I had difficulty resolving are: 1. How do I grab the list of nodes? 1. How to I change my stringified JSON output into Elm data types?

The rest of this post tackles these two issues.

The requiredAt function from Elm Decode Pipeline solves the first problem.

decodeLogin =
    decode Users
            |> requiredAt ["data", "organization", "team", "members", "edges"] (Json.Decode.list decodeNode)
	    -- 'dig' into the JSON and extract the node list

decodeNode =
    decode Node
        |> required "node" decodeUser

decodeUser =
    decode User
        |> required "id" string
        |> required "login" string

Let’s construct our Elm datatypes based on the JSON response.

type alias Model =
    { message : String
    , users : Maybe Users

type alias Users =
    { edges : List Node }

type alias Node =
    { node: User

type alias User =
    { id:  String
    , login : String

Now to handle the update function.

update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
    case msg of
        GraphQLQuery (Ok res) ->
            case decodeString decodeLogin res of
                Ok res ->
                    ( { model | users = Just res }, Cmd.none )
                Err error ->
                    ( { model | message = error, users = Nothing }, Cmd.none )

        GraphQLQuery (Err res) ->
            ( { model | users = Nothing }, Cmd.none )

I spent numerous hours figuring out how to map the Elm data types to the decoders. In Part 3, we will learn how to display the User data type in the browser.